Monday, June 20, 2005

easy as cake

Ladies, gentlemen and all you in betweens, check out

Shout out to all you ho's on the Hill ! Skanks are a hoot !


Kirsti said...

Yeah wow... Wow. I am liberal when it comes to sex. But that is a little over the edge. I mean.. if it makes her happy then more power to her. But would y'all publish it?

U.N. Known said...

I wouldn't! Then again I don't have nasty stories like taking things up one's bum...thank God. Ouch?

Kirsti said...

Yeah. I hereby solemnly swear that the fraze "he only wants me for my asshole" will never come out of my mouth. And also.. Ouch!

U.N. Known said...

I swear too !