Saturday, December 16, 2006

Paris Hilton is a slut

I now realise that calling Paris Hilton a slut is the purest form of all semantic pleonasms, but for the heck of it, let's just say the redundancy emphasizes the fact that she's a slut and that the title is also kinda meant to deceive you. If I were to call this post "I like some of Paris Hilton's song on her album" you'd want to...well, not read it and gay bash me.

So yeah, Paris' voice sometimes hardly ever doesn't sound like nails on a chalk board and is always devoid of any emotion whatsoever - well, except for "whiny" if that were an emotion - but seriously, it's not all crap. And I mean that purely objectively: there are some good productions on her album which do not induce an immediate desire to drive a stake through my heart. Not to kill though, but to shift the pain.

This all doesn't take away the fact that Paris is a slut, but a hot slut because she's too stupid to know she is one and doesn't give a shit. I for sure would love to get her drunk and frisky. I mean, who are we kidding? Yeah, you know we'd all hit it - with a baseball glove around our #&%$ we would. And afterwards, she would buy me something pretty. You know, because I give so much pleasure.

And here's Reflekt ft. Delline Bass with Need to feel loved. Just because they are not Paris Hilton, don't have herpes (that we know of) and make beautiful music.

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