Friday, August 11, 2006

Swinging London Town

So, SCAA left for London this morning at 7:30 am. Who the fuck flies to London at 7:30 am? Hell, I don’t even get up before noon – not even on a school day. Mornings just don’t do it for me. But whatever floats your boat I guess.

SCAA’s going to “work” in London for the next five months. It’s sort of an internship, but she’s getting paid as a regular employee. Though it’s not nearly enough to cover all her expenses [rental house in Sector 1 for 570 pounds per week and lots of partying and smoking] she’ll probably make some cash on the side by whoring herself out. And hey, knowing her, she’ll most likely won’t even have to pay for her own drinks anyway. That’s what sugar daddies are for, right? Although that shit is wasted on me.

Anyway, she’ll be working at a five star hotel in the near vicinity of Buckingham Palace – I thought she said across the street, but I’m not sure.

The Boyfriend and I will visit her soon and stay at her fine 41 Hotel since room tariffs start at a measly 295 Pounds per night. The Master Suite costs only 659 Pounds per night, so that’ll totally be our room.



Conservatory Suite


The butler SCAA is planning on doing - at least once. He's supposed to be damn hot. But, don't they fire people for petty things such as sleeping with co-workers? Prudes.

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